This is your own online hacker simulation. With over 20 levels that require different skills to get to another step of the game, this new real-life immitation will help you advance your security knowledge. This site will help you improve your JavaScript, PHP, HTML and graphic thinking in a fun way that will entertain any visitor! Have a spare minute? Log on! Each level will provide you with a new, harder clue to find a way to get to another level. Only few people have gotten to the end of the maze... Will you crack this site?
Level 18


Nice try
Authorization Required

Think like a n00b.

You will need to enable cookies for the Hacker Test Admin Panel to work as expected.

$pass) { $errormsg=$msg; show_login_page($errormsg); exit(); } else { setmycookie(); } } else { if ($_COOKIE[$cookiename]<>$pass) { show_login_page($errormsg); exit(); } else { // do nothing } } ?> /level19.shtml << told ya to think like a n00b!!!